2 x 50' Heavy Duty Flexible PVC Green Standard Suction Hose Industrial Grade

2 x 50' Heavy Duty Flexible PVC Green Standard Suction Hose Industrial Grade
2 x 50' Heavy Duty Flexible PVC Green Standard Suction Hose Industrial Grade
2 x 50' Heavy Duty Flexible PVC Green Standard Suction Hose Industrial Grade

2 x 50' Heavy Duty Flexible PVC Green Standard Suction Hose Industrial Grade

2 Steel Combination Hose Nipple. 2 Round Hole Strainer and Hose Nipple Combo. 2 Part A Male Adapter. 2 Part C Camlock - Female Coupler x Hose Shank.

2 Part E Male Adapter Hose Shank. Technical Specs: See Chart in Pictures Description. Light and flexible piping made of plasticized PVC with a rigid PVC helix reinforced anti-choc spiral, which are elements that offer the flexibility of a hose and the firmness of rigid piping. Cover is smooth to lightly corrugated and weather, ozone and UV resistant; internal surface is smooth.

Good resistance during aspiration and impulsion. Resistant to the action of agents found in the atmosphere and to numerous chemical products.

Made from Virgin PVC raw materials. Temperature range: 14 degrees F to 140 degrees F. Produced in ISO9000 certified North American Factories. Smooth interior prevents material blockage. Discharge or gravity flow of water, salt water and mild diluted acids.

Use for construction, agriculture, mining and for equipment rental.

2 x 50' Heavy Duty Flexible PVC Green Standard Suction Hose Industrial Grade