5/16x20' Grade 100 Heavy Duty Recovery Chain with Clevis Foundry Hook One End

5/16x20' Grade 100 Heavy Duty Recovery Chain with Clevis Foundry Hook One End

5/16x20' Grade 100 Heavy Duty Recovery Chain with Clevis Foundry Hook One End

5/16 x 20' Grade 100 Heavy Duty Recovery Chain with Clevis Foundry Hook One End. Working Load Limit : 5,700 lbs Chain : 5/16" Grade 100 Alloy Foundry Hook : 5/16" Grade 100 alloy Chain length : 20 FT Finish : Painted Blue Meets strength and performance requirements of ASME B30.26 4:1 Safety Factor. Inspect prior to usage Never exceed working load limit Avoid shock loads.

5/16x20' Grade 100 Heavy Duty Recovery Chain with Clevis Foundry Hook One End